Living a Slow Life
I just recently had the opportunity to take a short break with some friends abroad. We ate, drank, talked, laughed, swam in the sea and generally took time out of our busy lives to relax and connect.
Quite frankly it was amazing and very much needed.
It is so important to take the time for ourselves, slow down and relax every so often. As amazing as four days in the sun was, I am really trying to bring the concept of ‘slow’ into my everyday life.
I am a perfectionist and a completer/finisher by nature, so can often work at a punishingly fast pace and won’t stop until everything is done. This often leaves me with nothing in the tank at the end of the day which is often the most difficult part of the day for me, living in a neurodivergent household.
So what can I do to balance this?
Do something you enjoy everyday
I am consciously trying to give myself time every day to rest and do something for me, no agenda, not for anyone else, just for me. I know how hard it can be to carve out time for yourself, but you can start small.
Prioritise one thing you enjoy every day, even just for 5 minutes.
· Take your morning coffee into the garden every morning and appreciate nature
· Get up 10 minutes early and do some gentle stretching or yoga
· Put some loud music on while you cook and dance around the kitchen
It doesn’t have to be complicated but the most important thing is that you do you, and that you make a commitment to yourself to do something you love every day.
I’ve forgotten what I love!
Over time it can be hard to even remember what we love and what we used to do when we had spare time.
You could brainstorm some ideas, be a little bit playful with it and then pick one. Don’t over think it, just do something every day.
I have a little jar of ideas and I pull one out every time I have a few minutes to spend on myself.
Slow down the every day
On top of this I am trying to take a slower approach to my everyday life. I am learning to pause and take a breath when I feel myself hurtling through the day at 100 miles an hour. I am working on being ok that everything is not done, to be firm in my boundaries and slow down the everyday tasks.
Taking this approach gives me more time for myself and gives me the space and energy to be there for my family when they need me most.
Try and build some pauses into your day and add in something you enjoy every single day.